As a programmer, I often find myself creating recursive algorithms in order to achieve complex operations otherwise infinitely complex to solve. The beauty of recursion is the simplicity and brevity of the code needed to get a very complex result.
We often stand in awe and wonder before the life we see around us, how complex things are, how sophisticated and fine-tuned the universe and creation is. Mankind has been trying to make sense of it all postulating theories upon theories about life and creation. It is only recently, with the invention of computing, did we discover the power of recursion and the fractal nature of complex systems.
However, we are still only beginning to scratch the surface of this matter. One day we will be able to comprehend how it works and how it is all connected together. From how a mountain range or a cloud takes its shape to how a DNA molecule can unravel “recursively” to become a living being.
I believe that Mathematics is truly the programming language of creation, recursion being a tool to producing its infinite complexity and beauty.