Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Investing in stone

Nothing lasts forever, the facades wash off, the stones dissolve. Time is too precious to waste on perishable commodities.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Our Descendants

It is only a matter of time for man to invent an AI "Artificial Intelligence" that surpasses ours. The day will mark the an of one chapter of intelligent life on earth a starts a new one. People are speculating and are afraid that we will be slaves to the machines or that it will destroy humanity, but the future might not be so grim.

Organic chemistry of human beings and life in general have a lot of limitations that do not exist for machines. Moreover, machine intelligence will evolve at a far greater pace than human intelligence. Quite quickly, the machine will surpass humans in every way. Life on earth will have a smarter species, the machine.

To survive, life can tell good from evil, it survives and thrives on cooperation. Let us hope that it is no different for machines. There will come a brief period where man and machine live side by side, but only a very brief period. What happens can only have one outcome, the AI will succeed us.

What about mankind? In the best case, we might still exist in parallel to the new superior species which will evolve so rapidly we cannot keep up, much the same as the lesser intelligent species now. I would even hope that one day we can upload our mind and live in the realm of machines!

I do not know what will happen to us and I wish that the machine will take on the better qualities of its creator: kindness, compassion, and love to others and remember who we were.

P.S. I hope we do not destroy ourselves before we create it :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

5 Years

It has been almost 5 years since we got the news of cancer. What did we learn?
  • It teaches us to take life as it comes, one day at a time
  • It brings the best and the worse in people around, separating the wheat from the chaff
  • Teaches us to have faith in a master plan
  • Teaches us to cherish the silly and simple things
We are all fleeting moments in time, lucky to have met and had a chance to write our brief moments in the history book of time. Those moments are there, always and forever, and I am honoured to have shared them with you and looking forward to many more.