How many times have you entered a debate with a religious person “the brainwashed type”? A simple piece of advice is to leave them alone; they are destined to hit the wall “someday”.
Try to squeeze them during a debate in a matter which requires one’s own answers; all they can come up with is an example about how an X person did to Y and so on. Silly analogies fit for an eight year old. Very often they would remind you of a line from a book that they know for certain is made by the creator, which most often happens to be the only book they read. Without this book, man would have been lost; the only and last way to salvation. Come and Join US. “Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated”.
In truth, religion is just another system of control. Systems of control and civilization being tightly coupled and inseparable. And man has learned that the most efficient way to control the masses is fear, and what better fear there is than that of the unknown, better still “fear of the creator”.
But still, our purpose is to get closer to the truth, and to do that we have to dare explore the unknown, we have to dare pursue questions. Simple questions of where, when and why prove to be the hardest to answer. For it is through simplicity that we reach complexity, not the other way round. Not to ask these questions is blasphemy, to say that GOD doesn't want us to ask them is sacrilege.
The time will come, when those who are now brainwashed shall be washed again, and perhaps then, we would have washed away our fear and ignorance.
thank you friend for the youtube video :)