I played a game once called “Grim Fandango” by Lucas Arts, in it there was a character who kept on singing:
Ashes to ashes to ashes…
Could it be that it is as simple as that? Could it be more miserable?
We have created it all, we stretched the foil so thin it’ s about to break if it hasn't already. What’ s next Ashes?
What I didn't say about the game is its ending
We don’ t know where train would stop, so we might as well enjoy the ride
Control? What choice have we got? We didn't choose to be here. Freewill? It’ s only an illusion. A blunder to mimic control.
At the end of the day, we are as helpless now as we ever were. Some people would think they are not, and would go about their lives creating all these cultural systems around them to sleep better with illusions of grandeur and superiority. But really they are more pathetic than those who we call the unfortunate.
We never know where the train would stop. Not because we don’ t know, but because we are simply not the passengers. We are those unfortunate, tied to the track wishing the train never comes, but it always does. How else could this sad existence end?
The photo above is that of a Syrian child in a refugee camp showing gratitude after receiving a few pieces of cloth. I do not know what to say except that I am sorry, it is our fault, each and every one of us.